A la Carte

Students applying for graduate or postgraduate studies are welcome to choose any of the packages, as well as from a la carte services depending on their individual needs.

You can choose any single service from the list of our services and have a pre-planned one-on-one session with an individual consultant in addition to time spent by the consultant on research and review in support of your application, essay(s), transcripts, and all other relevant documents. A la carte services are also preceded by a free diagnostic session. All services offered a la carte are charged by hourly rate for one-on-one meetings.

Our free diagnostic session is meant to determine whether the parties are a good match and are ready to collaborate for end results.

  • Prior to the session, you will need to fill in an assessment survey.
  • After submitting the assessment survey, you will receive an email from your personal consultant inviting you for a free Diagnostic Session.
  • During the call with you and your parents, we will conduct an initial assessment of your interests, academic achievements, knowledge of English, understand interest in location/country of study and extracurricular activities and other factors that will influence the choice of your degree program, university and location. This also includes budget availability.
  • Both parents and prospective students are invited to participate in this session. We expect parents and students to share insight information about the academic interests and college preferences of the student, his/her extracurricular activities, hobbies etc. The consultant will share with your insights about his/her professional experience, be ready to answer all your questions, set timelines and discuss the budget.
  • If both parties determine they are a good match we will proceed with signing the contract and starting with the package of your choice.

College choice is one of the most important decisions we make in our lives. Our one-on-one discussion sessions with prospective students help us to identify their true interests and career aspirations and guide them towards selection of their desired field of study, including selection of majors and minors.

Parents’ participation allows us to further determine the criteria for university selection including location (both country/region and urban/non-urban), size, employability upon graduation, costs, etc.

After several discussions we will share with you a shortlist of universities (up to 10) that offer strong programs in the areas of your interests and are a good fit with your strengths, personality and admission rate. We will then help you decide on the list of the universities to apply from the shortlist (including most competitive, target and safe schools), usually to 5-6.

Drawing the timeline and advising on admission requirements for each college or university helps students to reduce stress of application deadlines and keep track of the process to reach the milestones.

With our guidance the student will prepare a personalized timeline for the drafted list of colleges/universities. Depending on the university/college and country there will be different admission requirements. An important part of this process is meeting standardized testing requirements. We will advise you on potential test requirements (e.g SAT, ACT, GMAT, GRE), English language proficiency tests (TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo) or portfolios you need to present.

[College/University Campus Tours. If interested, and global travel regulations permit, we can plan your visit to the college/university you are considering. This will include a campus tour and meeting with the faculty among other things. It is a separate service with additional cost]

We will advise you on filling out the application form(s) to universities/colleges based on your personal background and achievements. We will help you to keep the deadlines and will assist with final reviews.

Personal statement/Essay(s) is the best opportunity for students to share their unique qualities and perspectives with the colleges and universities of their choice. Essay(s) is increasingly becoming the top factor in the admission process along with your GPA and test scores (if required).

We know that personal essay preparation is often the most difficult task for the students. Personal essay is yet one of the most important parts of your application. It is your chance to stand out and tell your personal story! We will help you to create an appealing and authentic essay(s) that tell your story different from many others.

Depending on university/college, in addition to a personal essay, students might be asked to submit a supplementary essay(s) on a specific topic relevant to their choice of program. And we are again here to help you.

Important to note: We will not write your essays instead of you, rather we will guide you through the process and advise on the content, clarity and structure of the essay and most importantly help you to identify the story you want to share. The admission staff are very skilled at reading the letters and can easily spot the letters that have been written for you rather than by you.

We will help students make a positive first impression by helping them prepare a professional Resume/CV highlighting their academic strengths and professional achievements (applicable mostly for students applying to graduate programs who have professional or volunteer work experience).

We will assist students with identifying the most relevant referees for their applications, advice on communicating with them and on keeping track with deadlines.

Timely and proper submission of required documents (including transcripts, diplomas, certificates ect.) is an indivisible part of the application process. We will advise on certification, translation and notary services needed for application in line with the requirements of each college/university. We do not however provide the actual services, and their cost is not included in this package.

Your adviser will be in regular contact with you throughout the whole application process. We will also facilitate the process of your communication with universities/colleges during application and upon admission.

For some universities, the admissions team may want to conduct an interview with prospective students before making an offer. We will help you prepare with generic and some subject-specific tips to make the best impression, as well as practice a mock interview with you.

Assisting with transfers from universities abroad to universities in the US and UK

Transferring from one university to another can be an easy and smooth process in some cases, yet it can be a long and tiresome process in others. Every college or university in the US and UK has a different transfer policy and requires a different approach. It is very important not to underestimate the amount of transfer credit you may earn in the US and UK universities for the work you have done abroad.

We will help you to plan the process, to identify transfer requirements of the universities of your choice, to report documents and courses, to choose third party credential evaluation services when needed. There are colleges and universities that conduct credit evaluation themselves, and there are others that recommend a third party for evaluation services. It is important to plan ahead as it may take up to several months for third party evaluators to prepare and submit your reports.